In the time we've been selling sizzlers, it has come to our attention that, despite recommending you use a 4-hour tealight when using sizzlers in a burner, this, unfortunately, is not always the case.

Many people are using 6 or 8 Hour tealight candles and unknowingly, or without realising it, are placing an increased risk on the safety of themselves and their families.

We suspect the appealing reason for purchasing these larger candles, perhaps, is a better price/value for money or a longer burn time.

Safety First 

However, the reason we only use 4-hour candles is because anything more burns hotter in the holder.

Tealight burners are only designed for 4 hours tealight candles so anything taller will emit more intense heat - it turns the wax lava hot or just burns the sizzlers off straightaway which leaves a burning smell rather than the fragrance you wish for.

I'm sure you've all seen images online of people with severe burns from wax, you can almost guarantee this is because of people using 6 or 8-hour candles in their burners.

Tealights should be unscented, as scented candles create oil that lets off a black soot. In the worst-case scenarios, the holder can also explode.

Eddie Jenkins